Complaints Channel

La Luarquesa Products S.L. has within its internal policy the establishment of a complaints channel whose purpose is that both internal and external personnel that may have a relationship with this company can report, in a confidential manner, illegal acts that they observe in the behavior of their workers and/or management staff. 

For this, the contact channels are the following:

  • Email address:
  • Mailing address: Polígono Industrial de Almuña II, nave 12, (33700) Luarca-Asturias


Polyg. Ind. Almuña II, Warehouse 12
33700 Luarca - Asturias, España

Phone/Fax: +34 985 64 00 51

Location coordinates

43°32'01.5"N 6°30'49.1"W

43.533750, -6.513639

Happy to serve you. Fill in the fields of the form and if you require it, we will contact you as soon as possible.

For the purposes provided in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, you are informed that your personal data will be incorporated into a file owned by PRODUCTOS LA LUARQUESA S.L. in order to inform you of our services. You have the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in the terms provided in the Law, which may be exercised in writing addressed to: Políg. Ind. Almuña II, Nave 12, 33700 Luarca - Asturias.

Contact form

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